Chenin blanc

Synonyms: blamancep, pineau, pineau de la Loire, pineau d'Anjou (France), rousselin (France), vaalblaar stein, verdurant, pinot blanco (Argentina), agudelo, blanco lexitimo (Spain).

This white grape can provide table wines, sparkling wines, vigorous semi-dry wines and liqueur wines made from late harvested grapes, with a strong sugar concentration.

Due to its early budding, it is exposed to spring frosts, and when lacking sun, it can become excessively acidic. However, this acidity, when used as an ally, allows the wines to age with great dignity and expression in the bottle.

It is originally native to the Loire Valley. In fact, its cultivation has been very localised on the banks of the Loire until quite recently. It was in the 20th century that it spread to other countries and regions such as California, South Africa and New Zealand. Cold climates are its friend, where it shows its sharp, citric and direct character. In some wines from older vintages it can show slight hints of honey and hydrocarbon. As a young wine it is common to find citric, fresh fruit and apple.

In Spain this variety is generally used in blends or coupage. It is rarely bottled as a single varietal.

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